Multiple choice questions on dc motor # 4

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objectives of electrical engineering on dc motors 4

1) In a dc motor if the brushes are given a back shift, then
A) commutation is improved
B) commutation is worsened
C) speed increases
D) speed decreases
E) speed remains unaffected
F) both (A) and (C)


2) In comparison to shunt and compound motors, a dc series motor develops high torque at start. It is due to its comparatively
A) few series turns
B) stronger series field
C) larger armature current
D) smaller armature resistance


3) In a dc motor, the shaft torque is less than armature torque. This is due to
A) eddy current loss
B) hysteresis loss
C) stray loss
D) all of the above


4) For smaller values of armature current Ia, the torque developed by a dc series motor is proportional to
A) Ia
B) Ia^2
C) √Ia
D) 1/Ia


5) For higher values of armature current Ia, the torque developed by a dc series motor is proportional to
A) Ia
B) Ia^2
C) √Ia
D) 1/Ia


6) The dc motor, which can provide zero speed regulation at full load without any controller is
A) series
B) shunt
C) cumulatively compound
D) differential compound


7) A series motor drawing an armature current of Ia is operating under saturated magnetic conditions. The torque developed in the motor is proportional to
A) 1/Ia
B) 1/Ia^2
C) Ia^2
D) Ia


8) If N is the speed of a dc series motor and Ia is the armature current then
A) N∝(1/Ia)
B) N∝Ia
C) N∝Ia^2
D) N∝(1/Ia^2)


9) For higher values of armature current, the speed of a dc series motor is
A) proportional to armature current
B) proportional to the square of armature current
C) inversely proportional to armature current
D) constant


10) A 240 V dc series motor takes 40 A when giving its rated output at 1500 rpm. Its resistance is 0.3 Ω. The value of resistance which must be added to obtain rated torque at 1000 rpm is
A) 6 Ω
B) 5.7 Ω
C) 2.2 Ω
D) 1.9 Ω


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