multiple choice questions on induction machines # 4

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objectives on induction motor 4

1) The 3-phase induction motor with rotor circuit open will
A) run normally
B) get overheated
C) not run
D) make noise


2) The rotor circuit of an induction motor under operating condition is
A) always closed
B) always open
C) may be open or closed depending upon the loading conditions


3) The rotor of 3-phase induction motor rotates in the same direction as that of stator rotating field. This can be explained by
A) Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction
B) Lenz's law
C) Newton's laws of motion
D) Fleming's right hand rule


4) The direction of rotation of a 3-phase induction motor can be reversed by
A) transposing any two leads from supply
B) transposing any two leads from slip rings
C) transposing all the three leads from the supply
D) disconnecting any one phase


5) synchronous speed is defined as the speed at which the
A) stator magnetic field rotates
B) rotor rotates on no load
C) rotor rotates on full load
D) none of the above


6) The rotor of an induction motor never runs at synchronous speed, because then the relative speed between the rotating flux and rotor will be
A) maximum and hence, torque will be maximum
B) maximum and hence, torque will be zero
C) zero and hence, torque will be maximum
D) zero and hence, torque will be zero


7) If any two leads from slip rings are interchanged in a 3-phase induction motor, the motor will
A) continue running in the same direction as before
B) run in a direction opposite to previous one
C) not run
D) make noise


8) Two of the supply terminals to a 3-phase induction motor get interchanged during reconnection after normal maintenance. when switched on to supply, the motor will
A) rotate in same direction as before maintenance
B) rotate in direction opposite to that before maintenance
C) not start at all
D) get heated and damaged


9) Stator flux induces emf in the rotor bars
A) rotating at synchronous speed around stator
B) constant in magnitude
C) magnitude depending upon the load on the motor
D) none of the above


10) At the instant of starting, the per unit slip of the 3-phase induction motor is
A) 0.05
B) 0.1
C) 1.0
D) 0.5


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